

Everytime you access a Value, classyconf peek on the loaders one by one until a loader returns a setting. If a setting is not found by any loader, the default value is returned, if set, or a UnknownConfiguration exception is thrown.

If the loaders chain is long or you are accessing the settings too often, there is an optimization you can use, which is the cache property:

from classyconf import Configuration, Value, Environment, EnvFile, IniFile

class AppConfig(Configuration):

    DEBUG = Value(default=False, help="Toggle debugging on/off.")

    class Meta:
        loaders=[Environment(), EnvFile(".env"), IniFile("config.ini")]
        cache = True

This property can also be set at runtime:

>>> config = AppConfig(cache=True)

It will make the lookup to have a O(1) performance the second time it is accesed.

Reloading new settings

Typically when files get parsed, their values are kept in an internal cache by each loader. If at some point you want to pickup new values, for example when using a long running daemon, call the reset method.

import signal

config = AppConfig()

def signal_handler(signum, frame):
    if signum == signal.SIGHUP:  # kill -1 <pid>

signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal_handler)

if __name__ == '__main__':